Anime’s allure often lies in its stunning animation, but not every series hits the mark. Some anime, despite intriguing plots, faced widespread criticism for subpar animation quality. Join us as we delve into ten instances where visual flaws marred otherwise promising stories, sparking disappointment and debate among viewers.
One Punch Man Season 2
The highly anticipated second season of “One Punch Man” faced criticism for its animation quality. The switch in animation studios from Madhouse to J.C. Staff led to a noticeable decline in animation fluidity and detail compared to the first season, causing disappointment among fans who were accustomed to the high-quality animation of Season 1.
Berserk (2016)
This adaptation of the popular dark fantasy manga was criticized for its use of 3D animation, which was poorly executed. Fans of the manga were particularly disappointed with the animation quality and felt it didn’t do justice to the detailed and intricate artwork of the source material.
Tokyo Ghoul:re
Following the previous seasons of “Tokyo Ghoul,” “Tokyo Ghoul:re” received backlash for its inconsistent animation quality, particularly during action sequences. The pacing also felt rushed to many viewers, leading to a lack of proper development for the story and characters.
The Asterisk War (Gakusen Toshi Asterisk)
Despite its promising premise of a battle school setting, this anime faced criticism for its lackluster animation quality. Many viewers found the animation to be subpar compared to similar shows within the same genre.
Hand Shakers
Known for its unique visual style and camera angles, “Hand Shakers” received criticism for its disorienting and often poorly executed animation. The constant use of moving backgrounds and shaky camera work led to a visually jarring experience for some viewers.
Big Order
While the series had an intriguing premise, its animation quality was inconsistent, with several instances of awkward and poorly executed animation sequences. This inconsistency detracted from the overall viewing experience.
Mars of Destruction
Often considered one of the worst anime, “Mars of Destruction” suffered from extremely poor animation quality, lackluster storytelling, and character development issues. The combination of these factors led to its infamy within the anime community.
School Days
This anime received criticism not only for its controversial storyline but also for its animation quality. While some scenes were well-animated, there were instances of subpar animation and inconsistency.
Diabolik Lovers
Known for its choppy animation and frequent use of still frames, “Diabolik Lovers” disappointed viewers who expected better visual quality. The animation was often criticized for lacking fluidity and detail.
Despite its short length, “Pupa” faced heavy criticism for its animation quality, which was considered subpar. Additionally, the story suffered due to the series’ brief runtime.