Sometimes you just want to watch something mindless and entertaining without having to think too hard. Enter the world of “trash anime” – shows that are objectively not great, but still manage to be oddly compelling. Here are 15 delightfully trash anime series to indulge in when you need a break from highbrow entertainment:
Ex-Arm (2021)

This sci-fi action series about a high schooler’s brain being turned into an AI weapon should have been cool. Instead, it’s a dumpster fire of trash anime CGI animation, wooden voice acting, and nonsensical plot twists. The action scenes are unintentionally hilarious in their awkwardness. Ex-Arm is widely considered one of the worst anime ever made, which makes it perversely entertaining to watch.
12 episodes, 1 season
The Master of Ragnarok & Blesser of Einherjar (2018)

Our protagonist gets transported to a fantasy world where he uses his smartphone to become a military genius. The premise is ridiculous, the characters are one-dimensional, and the harem elements are cringeworthy. But if you enjoy over-the-top isekai power fantasies, this one delivers in spades.
12 episodes, 1 season
Conception (2018)

The main character has to “create” Star Children with 12 different maidens to save a fantasy world. It’s as trashy as it sounds, with flimsy worldbuilding and gratuitous fanservice. But the sheer absurdity of the premise makes it bizarrely watchable.
12 episodes, 1 season
Eromanga Sensei (2017)

This controversial series about a light novel author and his shut-in little sister artist pushes the boundaries of good taste. The fanservice and incestuous undertones are off-putting, but the show leans so hard into its trashiness that it becomes fascinatingly awful.
12 episodes, 1 season
Ousama Game The Animation (2017)

Based on a mobile game, this horror series about deadly “King’s Game” text messages is full of plot holes, inconsistent characterization, and gratuitous violence. But the increasingly ludicrous death scenes and nonsensical plot twists make it unintentionally hilarious.
12 episodes, 1 season
Big Order (2016)

From the creator of Future Diary comes this mess of a series about people with superpowers. The plot is incomprehensible, the characters make no sense, and it’s packed with tasteless shock value moments. It’s a glorious trainwreck you can’t look away from.
10 episodes, 1 season
Diabolik Lovers (2013)

This reverse harem vampire series is the epitome of trashy shoujo. The abusive vampire love interests, nonsensical plot, and cringe worthy dialogue make it objectively terrible. But for fans of edgy vampire romance, it’s deliciously bad.
12 episodes, 1 season
Pupa (2014)

This horror series about a girl who turns into a flesh-eating monster should have been disturbing. Instead, the terrible animation, rushed pacing, and lack of coherent plot make it laughably bad. At only 4 minutes per episode, it’s a quick watch for lovers of awful anime.
12 episodes, 1 season
Mars of Destruction (2005)

Often cited as one of the worst anime ever made, this sci-fi OVA is a masterpiece of awfulness. The nonsensical plot, wooden characters, and hilariously bad action scenes have to be seen to be believed. At only 19 minutes long, it’s the perfect bite-sized trash-anime.
1 episode OVA
School Days (2007)

This infamous series starts as a typical high school romance before descending into melodrama and shocking violence. The characters are all terrible people and the plot goes off the rails. But the wild tonal shifts and controversial ending make it compulsively watchable.
12 episodes, 1 season
Skelter Heaven (2004)

Another contender for worst anime ever, this mecha OVA is a disaster of poor animation, nonsensical plot, and wooden characters. The climactic battle is unintentionally hilarious in its awfulness. At only 20 minutes long, it’s a must-watch for bad anime connoisseurs.
1 episode OVA
Garzey’s Wing (1996)

This fantasy OVA is infamous for its horrendous English dub, which turns an already nonsensical plot into comedy gold. The dialogue is quotably bad and the animation is charmingly dated. It’s gained a cult following for being “so bad it’s good.“
3 episode OVA
Handshakers (2017)

This action series about superpowered pairs who fight by holding hands is a visual nightmare of clashing CG and 2D animation. Add in nonsensical plot twists and cringeworthy dialogue and you have a perfect storm of trashiness.
12 episodes, 1 season
Abunai Sisters (2009)

This ultra trash anime CG series about two busty sisters with squeaky voices going on adventures looks like it was made in MS Paint. The animation is painful to look at and the “humor” is bafflingly unfunny. It’s a fascinating disaster of an anime, believe me or not it’s a japanese anime.
10 episodes, 1 season
Ghost Stories (English Dub) (2000)

While the original Japanese version is a forgettable kids’ show, the official English dub turns it into comedy gold. The voice actors were given free rein to ad-lib outrageous dialogue, resulting in a hilariously offensive parody dub that has to be heard to be believed.
20 episodes, 1 season
There you have it – 15 delightfully trash and trashiest anime to indulge in when you just want to turn off your brain and enjoy some glorious awfulness.
Sometimes it’s fun to appreciate the “Its so trash that it’s good” side of anime!