In an exciting development for Cyberpunk enthusiasts, Kadokawa has officially launched a prequel manga based on the hit anime Cyberpunk: Edgerunners. Titled “Cyberpunk: Edgerunners MADNESS” this new series promises to hunt through the backstories of fan-favorite characters Rebecca and her brother Pilar.
A New Chapter in Night City
The manga, which began serialization on the Comic Alive+ website, is set to explore the siblings’ lives before the events of the anime. This prequel will shed light on Rebecca and Pilar’s upbringing and dreams, aspects that were not fully explored in the original series. One excited fan, Sarah on reddit thread, couldn’t contain her enthusiasm:
“I’ve been dying to know more about Rebecca and Pilar! Their dynamic was one of the best parts of Edgerunners, and I can’t wait to see how they became the characters we know and love.”
Global Release and Creative Team
“Cyberpunk: Edgerunners MADNESS” isn’t just for Japanese readers. The manga will be released in seven other languages, including English, Polish, Italian, Spanish, German, French, and Traditional Chinese. Dark Horse will handle the English release in paperback format, ensuring that fans worldwide can enjoy this new addition to the Cyberpunk universe.
The creative team behind this project is equally impressive. Asano, known for their work on the BNA: Brand New Animal manga, is illustrating the series, while Bartosz Sztybor from CD PROJEKT RED is writing the story. This collaboration between manga artists and the game’s creative team promises to deliver a faithful and exciting expansion of the Cyberpunk: Edgerunners world.
New Characters and MADNESS
While the focus is on Rebecca and Pilar, the manga introduces a new character named Safran, described as a mysterious man who will drive the story into the realm of MADNESS.
This addition hints at new plot twists and challenges for our favorite siblings.However, not all fans are without concerns. Tom, a long-time Cyberpunk fan, expressed his worry on reddit thread:
“I’m excited but also a bit nervous. Prequels can be tricky, and I hope they don’t retcon anything we love about Rebecca and Pilar. Still, I’m giving it a chance because Edgerunners was just that good.”
A Promising Future for Cyberpunk Media
The announcement of “Cyberpunk: Edgerunners MADNESS” comes at an exciting time for the franchise. This manga prequel is poised to further expand the rich lore of Night City. For fans eagerly awaiting more Cyberpunk content, this manga offers a perfect opportunity to dive back into the neon-soaked streets of Night City.
As we follow Rebecca and Pilar’s journey, we’re sure to uncover new secrets, face thrilling challenges, and perhaps gain a deeper understanding of what it truly means to be an edgerunner in this unforgiving world.
Stay tuned for more updates on release dates and where you can get your hands on “Cyberpunk: Edgerunners MADNESS.” The future of Cyberpunk is looking brighter than ever!