The 27th installment in the Detective Conan film series, “Detective Conan: Hyakuman Doru no Michishirube” (Case Closed: The Million-dollar Pentagram), has achieved a significant milestone by surpassing Makoto Shinkai’s “Suzume” to become the 15th highest-earning film of all time in Japan. As of Sunday, the film has sold 10.52 million tickets and earned 15.05 billion yen (approximately US$94.23 million) after 73 days in theaters.
This achievement also places the film as the ninth highest-earning anime film in Japan. The previous record-holder, “Suzume,” reached its milestone in February 2023. The next target for the Detective Conan film is Hayao Miyazaki’s “Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea,” which ranks 14th with earnings of 15.5 billion yen (about US$97.04 million).
To commemorate this milestone, the official website of the anime film released a celebratory visual. Additionally, Gōshō Aoyama, the original creator of the Detective Conan manga, drew a special illustration to mark the occasion.
“Detective Conan: Hyakuman Doru no Michishirube” has also set a new record within its franchise, surpassing last year’s “Detective Conan: Kurogane no Submarine” (Iron Submarine), which earned 13.83 billion yen (about US$88.23 million). This makes it the highest-grossing film in the Detective Conan series. Notably, it is the second film in the franchise to surpass the 10 billion yen mark, achieving this feat two days faster than its predecessor.
The film started strong, ranking #1 in its opening weekend by selling 2,274,333 tickets and earning 3,352,494,500 yen (about US$21.7 million) in its first three days. The theme song for the film, “Sōshi Sōai” (Mutual Love), is performed by AIKO.
With this latest success, the Detective Conan franchise continues to solidify its position as a powerhouse in the Japanese film industry, becoming the first Japanese-animated film franchise to have two consecutive films surpass the 10 billion yen earnings mark in Japan.