Popular manga “Kagurabachi” is set to receive an anime adaptation, produced by Cygames Pictures, a subsidiary of CyberAgent, in collaboration with Shochiku. This exciting news comes from a recent report by Toyo Keizai.
Supernatural Action Manga Comes to Life
“Kagurabachi,” a battle action manga by Hokazono Takeru, has been captivating readers since its debut in Weekly Shonen Jump in September 2023. The story follows the son of a swordsmith on a revenge mission against a sinister clan of wizard yakuza, armed with a powerful katana sword.
Rising Star in the Manga World
The manga has seen remarkable success, with over 1.3 million copies in circulation for its first five volumes. It also claimed the top spot in the comics division of the “Next Manga Awards 2024” announced in August.
The news of “Kagurabachi” receiving an anime adaptation has sparked excitement and discussion among fans. While many are thrilled about the prospect of seeing their favorite manga come to life on screen, some have expressed concerns about the timing of the adaptation.One fan shared their perspective on the announcement:
“It might actually be too soon tbh, but I think till it gets announced officially we’ll have more chapters”
This comment reflects a sentiment shared by some readers who feel that the manga, which began serialization in September 2023, may benefit from more time to develop its story before being adapted into an anime.
It might actually be too soon tbh, but I think till it gets announced officially we'll have more chapters
— K. G. R (@ThisIsGautam_) December 2, 2024
The fan’s statement also highlights the anticipation for an official announcement, suggesting that the manga will continue to grow and evolve in the meantime.
One of the most notable aspects of “Kagurabachi” is its international popularity. The series gained traction overseas immediately after its serialization began, with fans calling themselves “Bachibros” actively promoting the work. Its global momentum is said to be the strongest among recent Shueisha titles.
This adaptation comes at a crucial time for the anime industry. With the market size reaching 3.3465 trillion yen in 2023, doubling over the past decade, there’s been a growing concern about the scarcity of hit-potential Jump manga for adaptation. “Kagurabachi” is seen as a promising new star in this context.
While details about the broadcast and streaming schedule are yet to be announced, the anime adaptation of “Kagurabachi” is highly anticipated by fans and industry professionals alike.
Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting project.
Source:- Toyo keizai.