Fans of the hit sports anime “Oblivion Battery” can rejoice as MAPPA, the renowned animation studio behind the series, has officially announced the production of its second season. The exciting news was revealed during a special “fan appreciation” event held in Tokyo on November 10, 2024, and was subsequently confirmed through various social media channels.
A Highly Anticipated Return
“Oblivion Battery,” based on the manga by Eko Mikawa, has quickly become a fan favorite since its debut. The series follows the story of star pitcher Haruka Kiyomine and skilled catcher Kei Kaname as they navigate the world of high school baseball. The first season, which premiered on April 9, 2024, was met with critical acclaim and left fans eagerly anticipating more.
MAPPA’s Continued Involvement
The decision to keep MAPPA as the animation studio for the second season has been met with enthusiasm from fans. MAPPA, known for its high-quality productions such as “Jujutsu Kaisen”, “Vinland Saga Season 2” and “Chainsaw Man,” brought the first season of “Oblivion Battery” to life with stunning visuals and fluid animation.
Production Details
While specific details about the second season’s production are still under wraps, fans are hopeful that key staff members from the first season will return. The original season boasted an impressive lineup, including:
- Director: Makoto Nakazono
- Series Composition: Michiko Yokote
- Character Design: Hitomi Hasegawa
- Music: Tomoki Kikuya and Hiroko Yamasaki
Release Date Speculation
Although an official release date has not been announced, industry insiders and fans are speculating that the earliest we might see the second season is Spring 2026. This timeline allows for the necessary production time to maintain the high quality established in the first season.
Fan Reactions
The announcement has sparked excitement across the anime community. Many fans have expressed their joy on social media platforms, with one Reddit user stating,
“I’m really pleased to see this series getting a second season! It strikes a great balance between storytelling and humor.”
As we await further details about “Oblivion Battery” Season 2, fans can revisit the first season, currently streaming on Crunchyroll. With MAPPA at the helm once again, viewers can expect another season of top-tier animation and compelling baseball action when the series returns.