Fans of romantic comedy manga! Coco Uzuki’s popular shoujo series “Fall in Love, You False Angels” is set to receive an anime adaptation, according to recent
A world where AI might just be the new head honcho in anime production. KaKa …
The Isekai genre in anime has long been associated with fantastical worlds, otherworldly adventures, and …
Mathematic x Cooking Manga “Fermat’s Cooking” Animation Adaptation Confirmed and Serialization Resumes
“I basically announced minecraft 2”: Minecraft Creator Making A New Dungeon Crawler Game The Adventureland
As a Long-Time Sakamoto Days Manga Reader, I Think TMS Entertainment Didn’t Bring Worthy Quality to the Sakamoto Days Anime
Why One Piece Will End Before 2030, Era Is Coming To An End Way Faster Than We Thought