The popular manga series “Wandance” is set to receive an anime adaptation, scheduled to stream exclusively on Disney+ in 2025. This highly anticipated series will bring the world of hip-hop dance to life through animation.
Production Details
The anime adaptation of “Wandance” is a collaboration between two renowned animation studios:
- MADHOUSE: Known for their work on critically acclaimed series like (Monster 2004, Hajime no ippo and Death Note)
- Cyclone Graphics: Contributing their expertise to the project (Producer of Monogatari Series: Second Season)
To ensure authenticity in the dance sequences, the production team has enlisted RIEHATA as the anime’s dance producer. RIEHATA is a renowned dancer, choreographer, and singer who has created choreographies for popular Japanese and Korean groups.
Story Overview
“Wandance” follows Kaboku Kotani, a shy high school freshman who discovers the world of hip-hop dance through Hikari Wanda, a member of the school’s dance club. The series explores Kaboku’s journey as he steps out of his comfort zone and into the vibrant world of street dance.
Manga Background
#ワンダンス #wandance
— TVアニメ『ワンダンス』公式 (@wandance_info) August 24, 2024
The original “Wandance” manga, created by Coffee, has been serialized in Kodansha’s Monthly Afternoon magazine since January 2019. It has gained popularity for its thrilling dance scenes, quirky characters, and inspirational coming-of-age story.
As we approach 2025, more information about the “Wandance” anime is expected to be revealed, including a trailer and key visuals. With its premiere on Disney+, it’s set to bring the rhythm and energy of street dance to screens worldwide, potentially inspiring viewers to find their own beat.
Source:- Official X